Domain Name Examples
Potential Uses for this TLD
- could be used for academic institutions
- educational research centres
- online courses and learning platforms
- and student organisations or associations.
TLD Restrictions Domain Registration Restrictions and Eligibility Requirements
The domain is specifically designated for academic institutions in Pakistan. Therefore, the following restrictions apply:
- Eligibility: Only universities, colleges, and other educational institutions are eligible to register a domain.
- Residency Requirements: The registrant must be an educational institution that is recognised by the Higher Education Commission (HEC) of Pakistan.
- Industry-Specific Usage: The domain is strictly for educational and academic purposes only, and commercial entities or individuals cannot register a domain.
Overall, the domain has specific eligibility requirements and is not available for general public registration.
Hipposerve TLD Pricing
Technical Information
Characters Allowed
Number of characters allowed: 3 to 63
IDN Compatibility
IDN character compatibility: Yes
Registration Period
Registration periods: 1 year
DNSSEC Compatibility
DNSSEC compatibility: Yes
Renewal Period
Renewal periods: 1 year
Registration Delay
Registration delay: N/A
Transfer Time
Time taken to transfer: N/A
Transfer Lock
Transfer lock time: 60 days.