Domain Name Examples
Potential Uses for this TLD
- Educational resources for bedtimes
- school bed and breakfast establishments
- sleep health and wellness initiatives
- community support for families with young children.
TLD Restrictions Domain Registration Restrictions
The TLD is specifically intended for use by educational institutions in Bedfordshire, UK. Only schools, colleges, and educational bodies based in the Bedfordshire area may register this domain. The registrant must provide proof of their status as a legitimate educational institution within Bedfordshire.
There are no general registration restrictions outside of the requirement for the registrant to be an educational institution. Therefore, it is essential that those applying for this TLD demonstrate their eligibility based on the above criteria.
Hipposerve TLD Pricing
Technical Information
Characters Allowed
Number of characters allowed: 2 to 63
IDN Compatibility
IDN character compatibility: Yes
Registration Period
Registration periods: 1 year
DNSSEC Compatibility
DNSSEC compatibility: Yes
Renewal Period
Renewal periods: 1 year
Registration Delay
Registration delay: N/A
Transfer Time
Time taken to transfer: N/A
Transfer Lock
Transfer lock time: N/A.