Domain Name Examples
Potential Uses for this TLD
- film production companies
- movie streaming services
- independent filmmakers' portfolios
- film festival websites
TLD Restrictions
Registration Restrictions for .movie TLD
The .movie top-level domain (TLD) has specific eligibility requirements and restrictions. Registrants must be individuals or organisations involved in the film industry, including but not limited to filmmakers, studios, distributors, or those promoting cinematic content. There are no residency requirements, allowing global participation, but registrants should demonstrate a legitimate interest in the film industry.
As of now, the .movie domain is not available for general use without restrictions; it is reserved for specific industry-related purposes only.
Hipposerve TLD Pricing
Technical Information
Characters Allowed
Number of characters allowed: 1 to 63
IDN Compatibility
IDN character compatibility: Yes
Registration Period
registration periods: 1 to 10 years
DNSSEC Compatibility
DNSSEC compatibility: Yes
Renewal Period
renewal periods: 1 to 10 years
Registration Delay
registration delay: N/A
Transfer Time
time taken to transfer: 5 to 7 days
Transfer Lock
transfer lock time: 60 days.