Domain Name Examples
Potential Uses for this TLD
- E-commerce websites targeting UK consumers
- local business websites for UK-based services
- informational sites about UK culture and history
- online portfolios for UK artists and creatives.
TLD Restrictions
The .uk TLD does not have specific registration restrictions, and it can be used without restrictions.
Hipposerve TLD Pricing
Technical Information
Characters Allowed
The .uk TLD allows a minimum of 2 and a maximum of 63 characters
IDN Compatibility
IDN character compatibility is limited to ASCII characters (no native IDN support)
Registration Period
registration periods can vary from 1 year to a maximum of 10 years
DNSSEC Compatibility
DNSSEC is supported
Renewal Period
renewal periods are typically for 1 year
Registration Delay
registration delay is usually instant or near-instant
Transfer Time
time taken to transfer is about 5 days
Transfer Lock
and transfer lock time is generally 60 days after a transfer.