Domain Name Examples
Potential Uses for this TLD
- local businesses in London
- tourism and travel websites focused on London attractions
- London-based events and activities
- blogs about life in London
TLD Restrictions
.london TLD Registration Restrictions and Eligibility Requirements
The .london top-level domain (TLD) does not have specific residency requirements or restrictions based on industry usage. It is open for registration to anyone who wishes to connect with London or its communities.
Individuals, businesses, and organisations from any location can register a .london domain name, allowing for broad use without particular restrictions. The only general requirement is that the domain name must not violate existing trademarks or copyright laws.
Hipposerve TLD Pricing
Technical Information
Characters Allowed
1 to 63 characters
IDN Compatibility
supports IDN characters
Registration Period
1 year registration periods
DNSSEC Compatibility
DNSSEC compatible
Renewal Period
1 year renewal periods
Registration Delay
no registration delay
Transfer Time
5 to 7 days to transfer
Transfer Lock
60 days transfer lock time.